Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hey all

I am still alive, so that's good. But it was touch and go there for a while as I had a Starbucks coffee. It was scolding hot tonstart off with had not taste at all. Needless to say I will not be back. Searching for good coffee has been a tough go, it has been two weeks and I can now say I have finally had a good coffee. John has been helpful in the search and I tried an independent cafe in Marina del Ray the other day, it was kind of promising as they sold single origin beans so I has some sort of hope. Then I was talking to the lovely girl behind the counter unfortunately it appeared I knew more about coffee than her. And my hopes sank. Needless to say that coffee did not get finished.

Today though John and I went out for lunch to a great cafe in Santa Monica called Urth Caffe. They have good quality food, something I will expand on more later. But they also have a really smooth creamy coffee blend and it was good, quite a large cup and I asked for the smallest. But I was super happy to have a good cup of coffee.

I have realized that in America you can get food very very cheap but the quality is very very low. For a comparable Australian product you pay very similar prices to that in Australia. But you have to hunt far and wide for these places. I'm lucky I have John and Felix to help me get settled and these two guys are very healthy and are really looking after themselves so it means I am also looking after myself while im here.

After the cafe today we went along Venice beach and checked outnpossibly the most famous gym here. But I'll tell you more about that soon

Cheers guys

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's been a long time

Hey I know I have not posted in a very long time, I'm sorry.

But I'm back and seeing as I am away in America for the next two months I will try to update a bit more.

Ok so recapping the flight, it was long, but 2 movies, 9 episodes of How I Met Your Mother, hours and hours of sleep, 2 meals and a lot of time twiddling my thumbs I landed. Hooray, now to just get out of here, that only took 2 hours or so. Why you ask, well lines were so long that was the beginning. Also one of my bags didn't come through so I had to find where you report lost bags and then I was free.

Finally i get out John is there to pick me up and we get out on the streets. Off to the house which will be camp Nathan for the next 2 months. Great. Man things look different though. There are these things called Starbucks? Everywhere. I mean everywhere I'm pretty sure we passed more Starbucks than Mcdonalds.

We get the the house and I meet Felix and settle in a bit have a chat with the guys and I just head up to lay down for a bit not nap just lay down. My eyes got a bit heavy so I closed them and I may have napped for a bit. It was a long flight.

We go to the "Mall" for some lunch and I see a sandwich shop great so I get a salad sandwich with cheese which they then put under a grill to melt the cheese, of course. But it was good. And they add a salad to the sandwich as well, I couldn't eat it there was too much. That seems to be a constant here. But more to that in future posts.

Anyway, I am here, I am alive and in the next addition on Nathan in America I had Starbucks.

Monday, December 27, 2010

46 km, forty six kilometres, 6 inch marathon, bloody long way yes that's better. Bloody long way.

A quick recap of my past month I rode 217.5 km to watch the busso ironman once down there I was told it was quicker to drive go figure, it took me about 8 or 9 hours and I would have been out there much longer if not for my American savior Christopher who rode with me and took a huge amount of time at the front. But I must say it was fun and will not do it again.

Now last weekend I decided to do a 46 km ultra trail marathon thanks to my good friend (jerk) Raymond Lampard from Break Your Limits.

Ray did ironman and had also entered the 6 inch and when I was inflicting pain upon him when he ventured onto my massage table pre ironman asked me to run 6 inch, he said he would help me through. I of course being the good track runner agreed?!?!

Why still to this day I don't know but it was too late now as I had agreed and Ray whipped it up on his website about our adventure to be. No backing out now. So I entered and spoke to my advisors. Ray and Bernadette also one of the organizers of 6 inch so a handy person to know.

Anyway somehow I find myself at 4 in the morning yes am out in the middle of no where with 500ml of water and 3 hammer gels waiting for the start of this ultra adventure, my half marathon race debut, my marathon race debut and my ultra race debut. Hey go big or go home, I was with mr break your limits so I was.

So at 4.30 am the race starts and we are away first up is 1.5 km of hill no worries first one to the top and to finish wins king of the mountain the polka dot jersey, ok so maybe there was no polka dot jersey but there was king of the mountain so I decided it would be fun to try take that out hey iv got some speed my only problem. Finishing.

So top of the hill I was first across and I stop to wait for Ray as we agreed to run together. Now going into this Ray had just done ironman and ended up with a very sore itb, he was not in super condition but he was giving it a go. So we run together for 5km almost taking a wrong turn (thanks to Nathan Fawkes for yelling out and saving us) almost alone in 4th and 5th place, until our small detour and we have 3 new friends to run with and we continue on like this for 10 km I will not describe every step to you as this would take too long and towards the end would only involve swear and curse words.

We are now 15 km in and Ray's knee starts to play up a little but we continue the 3 guys who came up went off and we were quite happy to let them go, I just wanted to finish. A few more start to pass us as we get to 23km and the first aid station and Ray is really struggling but the will of the man is unquestionable and we continue. A few uphill sections are really troubling Ray now with his knee and it is starting to give on him quite a few times and more and more people pass. Still all I need is a finish. And to try now get Ray there as well.

Between 20 km and 30 km Ray and I are in heavy discussion about the knee how long can he go on how much damage and if it is worth it at 30 km we decide it is a) not too far to aid station 2 and b) if I leave it any longer it will be touch and go how my legs end up so I had to leave Ray, he soon found a friend in a stick named it Wilson and used Wilson 1 and then a few km later Wilson 2 and crutches and hobbled into aid 2 at 34.5 km, just.

After I left Ray I quite rapidly pick up the pace and a few places even over quite a hilly section and was feeling okish sort of not really but the quicker I finished the quicker this ordeal will be over. So I got to 6 km to go in quite good time this is when everything got tough and I was struggling to run 5-6min km it was a super tough last 6 km and after a mini celebration in my mind at 42.2 km I was very happy to see 1 km to go but I swear it was the slowest km of my life.

And I was so glad that it basically counted down in 100 metre increments from 1 km. I could count it out and was happy to see the next marker and round the bend finally to see the finish cross that line and claim that I will never ever do that again... Ever...

I was glad to hear my buddy Gerry Hill from The Running Centre won in a new course record and I in the end got the king of the mountain. Finishing in 8thish in a time of 4 hours and 6ish min.

After a few hours of napping the rest of the day away and eating as many chips as I could I decided that I I could have run quicker and now need to do it agin next year. I will be the one in the polka dot jersey, hoping to go back to back kingnof the mountain and sub 4 hours.

Ultra running regards

Monday, October 4, 2010

And training was starting so well again. Then work gets in the way. Tonight I disappointed myself and missed a session it was only a recovery night but still I missed it. Home from work late and I am having to cook, clean and do everything at the moment. So I decided to cook and clean and give run a miss.

But on some positive ish news I entered the duathlon this weekend yes I will ride a bike I think... Unless they will allow me to run it? No I will ride so I will keep you posted on my duo debut. The distances for the race will be 5 km run, 21 km bike and shoes back on for 2.5 km run.

I have been doing some excellent session on the bike. Yes session last Saturday where I think I was competitive with the group for about 800 metres on the bike (run legs were much better go figure). Let's hope for maybe a competitive km this weekend. Fingers crossed

Running (and for the next week biking) regards

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Coffee and food ahh 2 of my favourite things only just behind running and my wife. Now I know this is a running blog I can write about anything I like so shut up.

Today I wish to talk about coffee. I have been very lucky in my time to experience great coffee due to two of my close friends being very passionate about the subject and actively working in the industry.

Now quite a few times recently I have read the west newspaper and have been confused by a writer and there opinion on coffee in Western Australia, or more importantly the cost. I would like to ask them a) how much are they paid and b) do they feel they are worth it.

Because I feel they have a high important on what they do for a living but don't care about other industries. Unfortunately especially the food and coffee industry that or they play favourites? Both terrible things to be as a so called food lover. They do rave about Melbourne food and coffee? Maybe they should move back there? I dont understand.

Now I'm not going to say I don't have favourite coffee shops or restaurants but I do think everyone is entitled to make a living and if people (note I said people not single person) respect what you do or feel you a leader in your field does that not mean you get paid more?

I bet our food friend gets paid what he feels he is worth.

Please thoughts? And maybe give me a few of you favourite cafe's and restaurants to try, let your friends know about the blog and hopefully they can give some suggestions too

Running regards

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hey all i know i havent updated for a while but i have been busy not so much training as i have been umpiring in the finals series but now that has come to a close we will start hitting the track and helena again.

But on a good note here is a killer tune i thought everyone might like if u like abc news


Sunday, August 15, 2010

It is not often lately that I have been serious on here but I believe there is a time and place for everything. And the time for serious is now.

A year ago on the coming Wednesday the training group I trained with and past groups came together to bury a great man friend and our coach who passed away. The group of athletes I trained with made a commitment to remember him in the way we go about our athletics but more importantly our lives.

So today we met at a cafe had some lunch, laughs and caught up. Then we went to visit Vic. Now some may think this a little morbid or strange, but we were able to once again remember him and everything he did for us and gave for us and without even realizing made us better people. So ofcourse we can take the time to visit and remember him.

Today I run for me and for his legacy. I still remember training sessions him yelling at us across the oval "get yourself ready" as we were about to start another set of some session he had planned for us to inflict the most amount of pain. But he always got you through the session with some advice or necessary words of encouragement. Still to this day I call upon him. Out running last week it was late, wet, windy and cold I had got out the door for a run and had done 7 k or so of a planned 10. At this stage I could have cheated and taken a short cut home, who would know? Well I would and in my mind I knew what Vic would have done.

So what did I do?

Wet, cold, windy, late at night.

Finished ofcourse. The mental side is half the battle and thanks to Vic I have that won.

Enjoy life until next time